Zurich: Housing stock on the rise

In 2017, 2,662 apartments were completed in Zurich. Just under 6,000 apartments are currently under construction, reports Statistik Stadt Zürich.

In Zurich, 2,662 new apartments were built last year (Photo: happyalex - depositphotos)

With 2,662 apartments, 300 fewer apartments were completed last year than in 2016, but because fewer apartments were also demolished, the housing stock grew more strongly than the previous year on a net basis, with 2,299 apartments, the statement said.

In district 9, the net increase in apartments was the largest, with 349 units net. In districts 12, 2 and 10, more than 300 net apartments were also created in each case. The first apartments were occupied in the new Green City district in Manegg in Wollishofen. Many apartments will also be built there in the coming years. Only in district 6 were more apartments demolished than completed.

The most important group of housing developers in 2017 were the housing cooperatives - they built the most new apartments (1,200). Other private companies built 1,003 apartments. Accordingly, these two groups together built about 80 percent of all new apartments in the city. Completions in condominium ownership (213), public ownership (49) and by private individuals (197), on the other hand, contributed relatively little to construction activity, as in previous years.

The city of Zurich is also expecting many new apartments in the coming years. Projects with just under 6,000 units are currently under construction.

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