Groundbreaking ceremony for residential project in Weinfelden
In Sangenfeld in Weinfelden, Thurgau, the groundbreaking ceremony was held for a development with five apartment buildings. HRS and the PKG pension fund are realizing the project.

Construction work on the five new buildings on Johanna-Meyerhans-Strasse in Weinfelden began at the end of January, and a good month later the groundbreaking ceremony was held. Not far from the Thur River and directly on the Thur Canal, three apartment buildings with 51 rental apartments and two additional buildings with 33 condominiums are being built. The apartments should be ready for occupancy or handed over between September 2023 and March 2024.
HRS is the project developer and general contractor for both projects and also acts as investor for the condominiums. The owner of the rental apartments is the PKG pension fund based in Lucerne. The costs for the entire development amount to around CHF 60 million. (ah)
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