SBB, BWO and cooperatives create framework for more affordable housing
More non-profit housing is to be built on SBB sites. To this end, the federal government, Swiss housing cooperatives and the railroad company have concluded an agreement.
To enable more non-profit housing to be built in central locations in particular, the Federal Office of Housing (BWO), Swiss housing cooperatives and SBB have drawn up the framework conditions for a model building lease agreement. This model contract is to be used in the future when SBB grants building rights for land to non-profit housing developers. This means that building lease contracts no longer have to be renegotiated for every project.
Among other things, it regulates the assessment and development of the building lease charge. It is based on the cost rent and corresponds to the cost lines of the BWO. In a joint statement, SBB, BWO and Wohnbaugenossenschaften Schweiz wrote that this would ensure that the non-profit apartments would remain affordable in the long term in accordance with the Housing Promotion Act (Wohnraumförderungsgesetz, WFG).
The new model contract also takes into account the fact that SBB, as the owner of the land, participates moderately in the increase in value of the sites, as required by the strategic goals of the federal government. SBB is to develop its railroad sites in a targeted manner and thus make a long-term contribution to a financially sound railroad system.
According to Alexander Muhm, Head of SBB Real Estate, SBB is aiming to offer around half of its apartments at low prices, either through its own apartments or by giving them away under building rights. The new contract is an important step in this direction.
Eva Herzog, president of Wohnbaugenossenschaften Schweiz, says that the building lease rates for non-profit housing will be at the upper limit in terms of price. The SBB is now to be taken at its word to increasingly hand over sites to cooperatives under building rights. (ah)