Restaurant chain Tibits expands

Tibits, the restaurant chain specializing in vegetarian and vegan food, is opening its first location in western Switzerland in 2018. New restaurants are also planned for Basel and St. Gallen.

Tibits eröffnet im Bahnhof von Lausanne das erste Lokal in der Westschweiz (Foto: Odrade123 - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)
Tibits opens first restaurant in Western Switzerland in Lausanne train station (Photo: Odrade123 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)

According to the company, demand for the Tibits concept in French-speaking Switzerland is high, which is why it has decided to expand into western Switzerland. For this purpose, Tibits is renting the former station buffet in Lausanne in the west wing of the station from the SBB. "The spacious, high hall with stucco has enormous charm and history. We are delighted to be able to house Tibits in such a beautiful, time-honored space," says Tibits co-founder Reto Frei. The fresco paintings in the premises are to be preserved.

The restaurant in Lausanne is expected to open in 2018. New restaurants are also to be built in Basel (in the Gundeli district) and at Bahnhofsplatz in St. Gallen, the report continues.

Tibits currently operates eight locations in six cities. The company is owned by the Frei brothers and the Hiltl family. (ah)

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