Valora is the new operator of all SBB kiosk areas
Valora will in future manage all 262 kiosk and convenience outlets at SBB stations.
According to SBB, Valora has been awarded the contract to manage 262 kiosk and convenience outlets throughout Switzerland. The new stores are scheduled to open on an ongoing basis until 2021.
The nationwide lease for all kiosk space in SBB stations expires at the end of 2020 and was put out to public tender by SBB in June 2018. The tender also included the convenience stores that exist today, whose leases also expire. According to SBB, several national and international companies submitted bids.
Valora won the tender procedure; the company is already present at SBB stations. According to SBB, the company's renewed "k kiosk" and "avec" concepts were particularly convincing.
According to the railroad company, more space at larger stations is to be allocated to vendors with local or regional concepts. In addition, pop-up stores, for example, are to be made available to smaller vendors. (ah)