Wincasa tests new store concept in Sihlcity
With a store where there is nothing to buy, Wincasa is testing a new store concept. The showroom has opened in Sihlcity, with other locations to follow.

Wincasa has designed "The Cube - Experience Innovation", a showroom with which the real estate service provider aims to meet changing customer needs. According to the company, the aim is to entertain with additional offers and to turn a stay in a shopping center into an experience.
Innovative products from various industries are presented on an area of 200 square meters in the Urban Entertainment Center in Sihlcity. Customers can try out the products and give feedback, but cannot buy them on site. They have to be ordered online from the respective manufacturers. From Wincasa's point of view, this is a win-win situation: the suppliers receive direct feedback from the clientele and generate attention in a special environment. The customers, in turn, can test new, exciting products.
According to project manager Christian Bliggenstorfer, the store concept is unique in Switzerland so far. "We can test new formats in The Cube, offer customers something new and at the same time gain new insights into the retail of the future." After a test phase, other locations will follow, Wincasa said. (ah)