Swiss retail trade down in 1st half according to GfK

According to the GfK Monitor, retail sales are still dominated by lockdown effects. Of particular interest in the half-year was a decline in the online sector.

Sales have declined in the retail sector (Photo: Banoart - depositphotos)

Sales in the Swiss retail trade at mid-year were 4.8 % higher than at the start of the pandemic. In the first half of 2022, however, sales were down significantly by 5.7%. Non-food recorded a decline of 3.0 %, and food/nearfood of an even more significant 7.4 %. These are the findings of GfK's Market Monitor.

Non-Food was still impacted by last year's lockdowns and reopenings for stores and non-daily products. It suffered larger losses in March and April in particular, as last year's reopenings on March 1, 2021, had led to particularly high deposits. May and June 2022 saw a leveling off in this regard. Growth was seen in leisure and fashion, while home furnishings, DIY and home electronics declined as of the end of June 2022. Online shopping also declined significantly compared with the high prior-year results, cumulatively standing at minus 8% as of the first half of 2022. (aw)

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