ISS increases sales to 740 million

The real estate services provider ISS increased its sales in Switzerland in the 2015 financial year by more than eleven percent year-on-year to CHF 740.3 million (2014: CHF 664.6 million).

ISS Schweiz mit über elf Prozent Umsatzplus (Foto: Pixabay)
ISS Switzerland with over eleven percent sales growth (Photo: Pixabay)

According to André Nauer, CEO of ISS Switzerland, 2015 was characterized by major mandate wins and expansions, such as Swisscom, SBB, Firmenich and Nestlé. "Mandate wins of this magnitude clearly generate a jump in sales, but they are also associated with challenges within the organization in terms of scheduling and logistics," says Nauer.

At 41%, the company's strongest service segment in terms of revenue is Building Services and Maintenance (Property Services), followed by Cleaning (39 %). The most important industry segments for ISS Switzerland are Financial Services & IT (41 %) and Pharmaceuticals (18 %).

"We also consider the next few years to be attractive, as there is further growth potential for the real estate services sector. For example, the public sector and the healthcare sector need to improve their cost structures and make clearer 'make or buy' decisions. We have identified further growth areas in the manufacturing industry and the service sector," Nauer continues. (ah)

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