CS REF LogisticsPlus raises over 100 million

The CS REF LogisticsPlus real estate fund raised new money in the maximum amount of CHF 103 million as part of its capital increase.

The capital increase of CS REF LogisticsPlus was 100 percent subscribed (Photo: depositphotos)

According to Credit Suisse, the capital increase of CS REF LogisticsPlus was 100 percent subscribed. With a subscription ratio of two to one (two subscription rights entitled the holder to purchase one new unit), one million new units were issued at a net price of CHF 103 per unit. The fund thus received new money amounting to CHF 103 million.

The payment of the new shares took place on March 17, 2017. The number of shares in circulation was
fund units is now three million, and net fund assets amount to 305.5 million.

The proceeds from the issue are to be used for the expansion and diversification of the real estate portfolio.
be used, Credit Suisse announces. CS REF LogisticsPlus invests in logistics and logistics-related real estate in Switzerland.

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