Allreal: Reorganization of the shareholder structure

Changes are taking place in the shareholder structure of the real estate company Allreal Holding AG. The syndicate agreement, which previously ensured Swiss control of the company through a core shareholder structure, was terminated as of April 24, the company announced.

Reorganization in the shareholder structure of Allreal (Photo: pressmaster - depositphotos)

Under the previous "shareholders' agreement", which existed between the larger Swiss shareholders, they had undertaken to jointly hold a determining majority of the share capital of Allreal Holding AG. With this should the provisions of the "Lex Koller" are satisfied.

Since the proof of Swiss control of the company required by the legislator could be provided by means of the adopted amendments to the Articles of Association (transfer restriction), the dissolution of the shareholder pool as per April 24, 2017 takes place. The shareholders had approved the transfer restriction at the Annual General Meeting on April 21.

Per April 25, 2017 According to its own information, Allreal was aware of the following major shareholders with a stake of more than three percent:

  • Helvetia Group: 10,68% 
  • PKE Vorsorgestiftung Energie: 4.35% 
  • Rheinmetall pension fund: 3.76% 
  • Furniture Group: 3,52% 
  • Gastrosocial Pension Fund: 3,44% 
  • Basellandschaftliche Pensionskasse: 3.11% 
  • Blackrock Inc: 3.07% 
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