Steiner: Significant increase in sales and profits

Steiner Group reports a 26 percent increase in sales for the 2016/17 financial year (March 31, 2017). Earnings before interest and taxes increased two and a half times compared to the previous year.

Steiner increases sales and profit (Image: Melpomene - depositphotos)

In the year under review, Steiner Group achieved consolidated sales according to Swiss GAAP FER of CHF 821 million, 26 percent more than in the previous year (651.3 million). The operating result was in the double-digit millions, and EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) increased two and a half times compared to the previous year, Steiner further announced. The company did not disclose concrete figures in its media release. In the previous year, the group had achieved an operating result of 4.8 million, according to earlier information.

At 1.4 billion, the order backlog of the real estate developer and total and general contractor is up on the previous year's figure of 1.3 billion. In the 2016/2017 financial year, Steiner signed new orders worth 926.6 million (previous year: 848.7 million).

Founded in 1915, the company has built over 1,500 residential projects, 540 commercial properties, 45 hotels and 200 infrastructure facilities such as universities, schools, hospitals, retirement homes and correctional facilities. Steiner AG is headquartered in Zurich and has offices in Basel, Bern, Geneva, Tolochenaz, Lucerne and St. Gallen.

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