Globus AG: Conversions and closures

In spring 2018, the first 27 Schild and Herren Globus stores will be converted into Globus specialty stores. In addition, five stores will be closed across Switzerland.

This branch at Rue de Romont 18 in Fribourg will close next spring (Image: Magazine zum Globus AG)

As already communicated by the company in mid-May, Magazine zum Globus AG intends to strengthen its position in the premium segment by integrating the two fashion formats Schild and Herren Globus. Following an initial site analysis, 27 of 68 Schild and Herren Globus stores will be converted into Globus specialty stores for women's and/or men's fashion in April of next year, and at the same time digitally linked to the online range.

New opening planned in Zurich

The merger under the Globus umbrella brand will thus also lead to adjustments in the stationary sales network from next spring. In addition to the 27 conversions, two existing stores at three locations (Lucerne, Winterthur, Basel) will be merged into one Globus store. Five stores (Schild Wohlen, Outlet Hinwil, Herren Globus Fribourg, Biel and Lugano) will be closed in spring 2018 "due to insufficient location potential".

"When we release a store space, however, this does not mean that we are saying goodbye forever," emphasizes CEO Thomas Herbert. New openings are very possible, especially if attractive location potential opens up in a particular place. In Zurich's Sihlcity, for example, a new opening is planned for the spring. In the medium term, Herbert holds out the prospect of further new locations.

Site analysis continues

The remaining Schild and Herren Globus outlets will remain open until the beginning of 2019, the Group assures. However, the location analysis will be continued in greater depth. As soon as this has been completed, the company will provide information on which other locations will be transferred to a Globus specialty store in the second phase.

Magazine zum Globus AG is a subsidiary of the Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund. It employs around 3,400 people in Switzerland and currently has department stores and fashion outlets at 83 locations (Globus: 15, Schild: 45, Herren Globus: 23).

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