BLS founds real estate company
The Bernese railroad company BLS wants to develop former railroad sites into neighborhoods. To this end, it founded the subsidiary BLS Immobilien AG at the beginning of September.

BLS owns centrally located land and buildings that are no longer needed for railroad operations and therefore lie fallow. The company says it wants to upgrade these railroad sites in the future together with the local communities. In this way, living, working and living space can be created in the town centers with good connections to public transport.
The railroad company has identified six areas in its network with particular development potential: Burgdorf Steinhof, Burgdorf Suttergut, Bern Bümpliz Nord, Spiez Bahnhofstrasse, Liebefeld and Schwarzenburg. These sites are to be developed and managed by the new real estate company over the next ten to 15 years. The railroad company intends to use the revenues to develop further sites in the future.
The railroad company holds 100 percent of the shares in the newly founded joint stock company, while BLS Netz AG is responsible for its management. Daniel Wyder, Head of BLS Netz, was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors. Klaus Juch, Head of Real Estate at BLS Netz, will be responsible for operational management.