Christian Kraft joins IFZ at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
The former Head of Real Estate Consulting at Implenia, Dr. Christian Kraft, will be joining the Real Estate Management Competence Center at the Institute of Financial Services Zug at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts from February 1.

Dr. Christian Kraft is to strengthen the Competence Center (CC) Real Estate Management at the Institute of Financial Services Zug IFZ of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. He will contribute his many years of experience in the field of research and consulting to the further development of the teaching program as well as to research and consulting.
Kraft's core competencies lie in the areas of location and market analyses, real estate project development and investment strategies. In addition, he will focus in particular on the impact of demographic change and digitalization on the real estate industry, the IFZ says.
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