Credit Suisse AM Appoints Chief Digital Officer

Credit Suisse Asset Management has appointed Gerald Kremer as the new Chief Digital Officer for Global Real Estate. He is tasked with driving forward the company's digital transformation.

Gerald Kremer (Image: Credit Suisse AM)

Gerald Kremer (34) is to further develop Global Real Estate's digital corporate strategy and drive existing digitalization initiatives. As head of the Innovation Hub, he will also be responsible for innovation management and strategic collaboration with proptechs, Credit Suisse AM reports.

Kremler holds a degree in civil engineering and headed the Digital Real Estate Team at Ernst & Young until the end of September. From 2011 to the end of 2015, he worked at Strabag Property and Facility Services, most recently as head of REM Solutions. Kremer also lectures at the University of Karlsruhe and at the IREBS Real Estate Academy at the University of Regensburg.

Credit Suisse Asset Management manages assets of over CHF 401 billion worldwide (as of 30.6.2018). Global Real Estate is active in 18 countries and manages real estate assets of 46.8 billion (as of Aug. 31, 2018). More than half of the assets are managed on behalf of institutional investors, according to the company. The team manages a portfolio of more than 1,300 properties. (ah)

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