SSN Group plans major project in Stuttgart

The project developer SSN from Zug wants to develop the Eiermann Campus in Stuttgart-Vaihingen into an urban quarter.

Visualization of the urban quarter VAI Campus of the SSN Group (Source: steidle architekten - realgrün landschaftsarchitekten)

The SSN Group has announced that it will continue to develop the campus built by the well-known architect Egon Eiermann in Stuttgart in the 1960s in terms of urban planning. The so-called Eiermann Campus consists of four flat, rectangular buildings on a 20-hectare site at the Stuttgart freeway intersection. From 1972 to 2009, the technology company IBM had its German headquarters here. 

"The vision is to further develop the campus in Vaihingen into a future-oriented urban working and living space," says the SSN Group. A neighborhood is to be created that "with an innovative mobility concept and holistic neighborhoods will become a future laboratory for living and working in the city," it continues. 

Specifically, SSN wants to turn Egon Eiermann's landmarked low-rise buildings into a business and technology center that will form the focal point of the new quarter. In addition, three neighborhoods with a total of 1,400 apartments are to be built in the style of old town neighborhoods. In addition, 390 student apartments and 90 apartments for senior citizens are planned, as well as four daycare centers, and large open spaces including a lake.

The mobility concept is to consist of shared spaces; motorized private transport is to be excluded "as far as possible". The SSN Group's press release states that a cable car is also being considered for the neighborhood. (ah)

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