Stock market launch for Swiss Life REF Swiss Properties
The fund units of Swiss Life REF (CH) Swiss Properties have been listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange since June 11.
Swiss Life Asset Managers speaks of a successful start on the stock market: After the end of the third trading day, the price stood at CHF 130.00, corresponding to a total market capitalization of 1.17 billion. This puts the fund in the top half of the largest Swiss real estate funds listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange. It has also been included in the SXI Real Estate Broad and the SXI Real Estate Funds Broad.
Swiss Life REF (CH) Swiss Properties invests in residential properties in Swiss cities and their agglomerations as well as in commercial properties in central locations. As of the end of March 2019, the fund held 87 properties with a market value of around 1.24 billion. Rental income in the first half of the year was 20.5 million; the rental default rate is 3.73%. The net asset value per unit was CHF 106.88 at the end of March. (ah)