Warteck Invest generates 76.8 million
Warteck Invest AG generated gross proceeds of CHF 76.8 million from its capital increase.

The real estate company had offered 49,500 new registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 10 each; four subscription rights entitled the holder to subscribe to one new registered share at a price of CHF 1,550. The company announced that 99.7% of the subscription rights had been exercised by the end of the subscription period, meaning that 49,354 new registered shares had been subscribed.
The remaining 146 new registered shares were placed on the market. As announced, the Dr. Christoph M. Müller family shareholder group has exercised all of its subscription rights allocated as part of the transaction.
Warteck Invest is listed on the real estate segment of the SIX Swiss Exchange and has a portfolio of investment properties with a market value of CHF 782.7 million (as at the end of 2018). (ah)