Halter Immobilien renames itself Tend
Halter Immobilien AG now operates under the name Tend. In this way, the company aims to position itself more strongly as an independent real estate service provider.

The real estate services business unit of Halter AG has been present on the market independently as Halter Immobilien AG since January 2018, but was previously still closely aligned with Halter in terms of its external image. In order to position itself more strongly as an independent service provider, it is now adopting a new brand identity as Tend AG, the company says.
The rebranding enables a stronger focus on the core competencies in the area of revenue and operations, Tend says. At the same time, the company remains true to its roots as a sister company of Halter and Raumgleiter. Management members Jacques Hamers and Andres Stierli, as well as other key employees, will continue to hold an unchanged stake in Tend, according to the company.
Tend offers services across the entire life cycle of real estate: From operational planning and optimization to building technology and energy consulting to conceptual and operational leasing and sales services. Its clientele includes private and institutional investors, the public sector, corporate real estate owners and property users. (ah)