Tend: New member of the management board
Philipp Schelbert joined the management team of Tend AG on November 1. He heads the Transaction Management division.

Philipp Schelbert most recently worked for KPMG for more than seven years. He has many years of experience in real estate consulting, focusing on transactions, due diligence and real estate corporate finance as well as valuations, investment analysis and consulting. Schelbert holds a degree in civil engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and postgraduate studies in management, technology and economics.
At Tend, he has been heading the Transaction Management division as a member of the Executive Board since the beginning of November 2019. In addition, he will support the existing management team in the further development of the company, the real estate service provider says.
Tend AG, which until August of this year operated as Halter Immobilien, is a sister company of the real estate developer Halter and Raumgleiter AG, which specializes in visualizations. (ah)