Swiss Life buys Bertarelli properties

According to a media report, Swiss Life has acquired a real estate portfolio from biotech entrepreneur Ernesto Bertarelli.

Swiss Life buys a portfolio of Ernesto Bertarelli's real estate company (Image: vladitto - depositphotos)

How first the View reportedmulti-billionaire Ernesto Bertarelli has sold a real estate portfolio to Swiss Life through his real estate company Roxbury. A spokesman for Bertarelli and the insurance company had confirmed the deal.

According to Swiss Life, the sale involved 20 properties in western Switzerland. Roxbury sold properties that were fully developed, said a Bertarelli spokesperson, as the real estate company is a developer and not a portfolio holder. The proceeds will be used for new projects.

The amount of the purchase price is subject to the View It is also unclear which properties are involved. The newspaper speculates that Swiss Life has acquired La Feuillère, a neighborhood in Lausanne with ten properties. Roxbury also includes the Morillons 22 project in Geneva.

Ernesto Bertarelli and his family were majority shareholders in the biotech company Serono, which the German pharmaceutical group Merck acquired in 2007 for CHF 16 billion. The Bertarelli family is one of the richest families in Switzerland. (ah)

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