Swiss Prime Site: Ton Büchner to become Chairman of the Board of Directors

Ton Büchner, a dual Dutch-Swiss citizen, is to become the new Chairman of the Board of Directors of Swiss Prime Site. He succeeds Hans Peter Wehrli.

Sound Buechner (Image: Novartis)

At the next General Meeting on March 24, Ton Büchner is to be elected to the Board of Directors and at the same time take over the chairmanship from Hans Peter Wehrli, Swiss Prime Site announced.

Büchner (born 1965) is currently a member of the Board of Directors and the Audit and Compliance Committee at Novartis and is also a member of the Chairman's and Shareholder's Committee of Voith GmbH. The civil engineer was CEO and Chairman of the Board of the Akzo Nobel group of companies, which is listed in the Netherlands, between 2012 and 2017. Prior to that, Büchner worked for the Sulzer Group for around 20 years, from 2007 to 2011 as its CEO.

The current Chairman of the Board of Directors of Swiss Prime Site, Hans Peter Wehrli, will not stand for re-election, according to a company statement. He was elected to the Board of Directors in 2002 and has been its Chairman since 2005. (ah)

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