Ina Invest occupies Board of Directors
Five people will sit on the board of directors of Implenia spin-offs Ina Invest Holding AG and Ina Invest AG. The company has now announced who they are.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ina Invest Holding AG and Ina Invest AG, as already known, Stefan Mächler, Group Chief Investment Officer and member of the Corporate Executive Board of Swiss Life. He and two other board members - thus the majority on the board - will be independent of Implenia. Implenia will be represented on the Board by Chairman Hans-Ulrich Meister and CEO André Wyss. The two independent representatives are Prof. Dr. Marie-Noëlle Zen-Ruffinen, a lawyer, and Dr. Christoph Caviezel.
Zen-Ruffinen (born 1975) is a lawyer and titular professor at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Geneva, where she teaches in particular corporate law. Until 2012, she was a partner at the Geneva law firm Tavernier Tschanz, since then she has been Of Counsel there. She is also President of the Swiss Board Institute Foundation, a member of the Boards of Directors of the Baloise Group and Banco Santander International, and a member of the Board of the Swiss Institute of Directors Association.
Caviezel (born 1957) has been active in the real estate sector for over 30 years. After several years working as head of SBB's real estate department, he moved to the listed Intershop Holding AG in 1995, where he was CEO from 2001. From 2008 to 2019, Caviezel led the listed Mobimo Group as CEO. From 2004 to 2018, he was also a member of the Investment Committee of the AFIAA Investment Foundation for Real Estate Investments Abroad. Since 2014, Caviezel has been a member of the Bank Council of Graubündner Kantonalbank, and since 2019 he has also been a member of the boards of Mobimo Holding, Cham Group, BZ Bank Aktiengesellschaft and Kuoni Mueller und Partner Holding. Caviezel will step down from the Mobimo Board of Directors as of April 21, Mobimo announced. (ah)