Covid-19: Swiss Prime Site waives rent for small businesses
Swiss Prime Site has announced that it will waive the rent for two months for certain small businesses and self-employed persons.

With this, the Real Estate AG implements the proposal of the Swiss Real Estate Association (VIS). Specifically, small businesses and self-employed persons whose monthly gross rent does not exceed CHF 5,000 and who have had to close their business due to the Corona crisis will have the net rent waived for a period of two months. The ancillary costs remain owed.
According to Swiss Prime Site, more than 400 companies had registered by the end of April 2020 and submitted various requests. Individual agreements will be sought with the tenants and the focus will be on rent deferrals. The real estate company says it supports the proposal of the Federal Council, according to which there should be no political interference in private legal relationships.
"In the political discussion on rents, it is essential to distinguish between Swiss SMEs that are severely affected and whose existence is threatened, on the one hand, and larger companies and international/national groups, on the other," says René Zahnd, CEO of Swiss Prime Site. The real estate company is convinced that with its solution it can be a great support to a "significant number of small and local tenants in these difficult times". (ah)