Procimmo fund Immo56 with 5.8% investment return

Procimmo reports an investment return of 5.8% for the Immo56 fund for the 2019/20 fiscal year, up from 4.1% in the previous year. Rental income increased by almost 10%.

Procimmo fund Immo56 presents the annual results (Image: stokkete - depositphotos)

The net asset value (NAV) of Immo56 is CHF148.30 per unit as of March 31, 2020, up from CHF145.10 a year earlier, Procimmo says. The dividend will rise to CHF5.10 per unit from CHF4.90, and the distribution yield is put at 3.5%, up from 3.4% as of March 31, 2019.

According to Procimmo, total income at the end of the financial year was around CHF 20.04 million, while total expenses amounted to CHF 9.79 million. The fund company puts the total profit for the financial year at 15.62 million, compared to 10.88 million in the previous year.

Rental income reportedly increased from 17.51 million to 19.17 million in the past fiscal year, and the rent default rate decreased from 6.04% to 3.49%. Net fund assets are 284.6 million, and total fund assets are 451.1 million. (ah)

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