Pensimo: Mutations in the Board of Directors

Richard Hunziker, Simon Grand and Anna Rottmann have resigned from the Board of Directors of Pensimo Management AG. Astrid Heymann was newly elected to the board.

Changes in the VR of Pensimo Management (Image: Rawpixel - depositphotos)

Richard Hunziker resigned from his mandate as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Pensimo Management AG with effect from the Annual General Meeting on June 4, 2020. Board members Prof. Dr. Simon Grand and Anna Trottmann also stepped down. Astrid Heymann was elected as a new member of the Board of Directors, and the previous Vice Chairman Othmar Stöckli was appointed as the new Chairman. The new Vice Chairman is the previous member Andi Hoppler.

As already announced in 2018, Richard Hunziker has not only stepped down as Chairman of the Board of Directors, but has also relinquished his positions as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Pensimo Fondsleitung AG, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Pensimo Investment Foundation, member of the Board of Trustees of the Testina Investment Foundation, Chairman of the Pensimo Investment Commission and member of the Adimora and Turidomus Investment Commissions. Othmar Stöckli will now also assume these responsibilities.

Hunziker joined the Schmidheiny Group in 1991 and soon after assumed responsibility for Pensimo. Over the following almost 30 years, he has continued to develop the company - today, Pensimo is an instrument for pension funds for collective investment in real estate with a volume of a good CHF 10 billion.

Prof. Dr. Simon Grand and Anna Rottmann also left the Board of Directors. Grand was elected to the Board of Directors of Pensimo Management AG in April 2012 as the first independent member, i.e. not from the circle of investors. Anna Trottmann had only been a member of the Board of Directors since last year's Annual General Meeting; she has now stepped down again for professional reasons. A proposal for her successor is to be submitted at the 2021 General Meeting.

Astrid Heymann was newly elected to the Board of Directors. She is an architect and holds a Master of Science in Real Estate, CUREM Zurich. After working in various architecture firms in Germany and Switzerland, she worked as a portfolio manager at Pensimo Management AG between 2009 and 2016. Since 2016 she is Director Real Estate City of Zurich. (ah)

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