Wüest Partner acquires French proptech Homadata
The French Homadata, based in Paris, is now a subsidiary of the Wüest Partner Group. The French capital is thus the 10th location of the Zurich-based real estate services and consulting company.

On 1 July 2020, Wüest Partner (WP) acquired 100% of the shares in Paris-based Homadata. WP is thus tapping into the French market for consulting and valuation services as well as digital solutions in the real estate sector, according to the consultancy firm. The merger also aims to strengthen the position for sustainable concepts in the field of data, analytics and technology on an international level.
The transaction will take place via a share swap, in the course of which the founder and former owner of Homadata, John-Guy Park, will become the 20th partner to join the Wüest Partner partnership. According to WP, Park and his 12-person team have developed one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date geodata platforms and a wide range of applications over the past five years, particularly in the areas of real estate valuation, taxation and investments. Homadata will continue to operate as a subsidiary of the Wüest Partner Group as an independent company, with John-Guy Park remaining as Managing Director. Paris is the 10th location of the Wüest Partner Group. (bw)