Streetbox fund pays record dividend
Investors in the Streetbox Real Estate Fund will receive a dividend of CHF 14.90 per unit for the past financial year. According to the fund, this is the highest distribution since its launch.

Streetbox Real Estate Fund is increasing its dividend from CHF 14.80 to CHF 14.90 per unit. Procimmo puts the investment return for the 2019/20 financial year at 8.07% and the return on equity ("ROE") at 7.66%. The distribution yield amounts to 3.07% (previous year: 3.70%).
According to the fund, rental income increased by 10.5% to around CHF 9.9 million. Total income increased from 9.1 to 10.7 million. Expenses decreased from 6.4 million to 5.3 million. The fund's net asset value (NAV) was CHF 303.15 per unit as of March 31, 2020 (previous year: CHF 295.30).
The operating profit margin (Ebit margin) increased from 52.97% to 72.58%. The realized profit for the financial year increased from 5.7 to 8.1 million. The TER REF (GAV) amounts to 0.94% (PY: 0.93%); the leverage ratio increased slightly from 29.11% to 30.10%.
Street Box Real Estate Fund puts its net fund assets at 130.2 million, and total fund assets at 201.4 million.