Bern: Von Graffenried farms for Ecoreal

Ecoreal Immobilien Anlagestiftung has entrusted Von Graffenried AG Liegenschaften with the management of its properties in Bern and the surrounding area.

Bern (Image: Pixabay)

From October of this year, Von Graffenried says it will take over the management of 14 superstructures in the Bern region belonging to Ecoreal Schweizerische Immobilien Anlagestiftung. The properties comprise around 300 apartments and 3,200 square meters of space for commercial use.

Ecoreal invests in existing properties and building land through its Suisseselect and Suissecore Plus investment groups. Both refurbishment projects and project developments and new buildings are realized. (ah)

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