Swissinvest: Portfolio value cracks billion mark

At the end of the 2019/20 financial year, the Swissinvest Real Estate Investment Fund held properties worth CHF 1.03 billion in its portfolio. This is according to the fund's annual report.

Swissinvest cracks the billion mark in portfolio value (Image: Melpomene - depositphotos)

According to the fund management company Pensimo, the fact that the portfolio value has exceeded the billion-euro mark for the first time in Swissinvest's almost 60-year history is largely due to acquisitions in the past financial year: The fund acquired a total of eight properties in Geneva and Bern. The market value of the properties rose from CHF 913 million to CHF 1.03 billion.

The performance of Swissinvest over the past 2019/20 financial year was reported to be 4.29%, while the return on investment (basis: net asset value) is estimated at 6.43%. Rental income increased from 39.7 million to around 41.4 million, of which more than three quarters, or 31.5 million, came from residential use. According to Pensimo, the rent loss rate fell from 4.24% to 4.09% in the reporting year despite pandemic-related rent waivers. The distribution is to be increased by CHF 0.10 to CHF 4.55 per unit compared to the previous year, which corresponds to a distribution yield of 2.49%. (ah)

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