Sustainable Real Estate Switzerland new in the SSREI sustainability index

The real estate fund Sustainable Real Estate Switzerland is a new member of the Swiss Sustainable Real Estate Index (SSREI). The index aims to make the sustainability of real estate portfolios more transparent and comparable.

The SSREI sustainability index has grown (Image: depositphotos)

The Swiss Sustainable Real Estate Index (SSREI) is based on the Swiss Sustainable Building Standard (SNBS). In order to be included in the index, verification ("external assurance") by SGS Société Générale de Surveillance as an independent auditor is required. This verification was carried out for the Sustainable Real Estate Switzerland portfolio, which consists of 22 existing properties, and the fund was subsequently included in the SSREI.

Since its inception, Sustainable Real Estate Switzerland has pursued a systematic sustainability strategy over the entire life cycle of the properties, says Marco Scheurer, Managing Director of Sustainable Real Estate AG. "Inclusion in the SSREI encourages us to consistently continue along the path of continuously improving the sustainability of the portfolio." To this end, he said, the fund has set far-reaching energy and climate targets until 2030. (ah)

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