SFP Group receives authorization as a securities firm
FINMA has granted Swiss Finance & Property AG a license as a securities firm as of 1 February 2021. The company's range of services will now be expanded to include issuing activities and market making.
Since February 1, Swiss Finance & Property AG has been a Swiss securities house. This allows the company to expand its range of services - for example, to support lmmobilienfonds, lmmobilienaktiengesellschaften and selected stock corporations with issues and capital increases and to become active as a bank-independent lead or co-lead manager.
The acquisition of the securities house license also results in changes to the organizational structure. Thanks to the FINMA licenses of the two 100% subsidiaries, Swiss Finance & Property Group is now able to focus its asset management services on direct and indirect real estate investments, the company says.
The management and administration of direct and indirect real estate investments are to be clearly separated in the future. Thus, asset management - in addition to consulting and financial services for real estate - will now be offered by Swiss Finance & Property AG. Adrian Murer and Nicolas Di Maggio will take over as Co-CEOs of Swiss Finance & Property AG as of March 1, 2021. Nicolas Di Maggio will also (subject to FINMA approval) join Adrian Murer (CEO) and Patrick Dobler (CFO/CRO) as a new member of the Executive Board of Swiss Finance & Property Group. (bw)