Vita Joint Foundation plans three new projects
The Vita collective foundation wants to realize three projects in Wetzikon, St. Gallen and Winterthur in the field of age-appropriate and affordable housing. The investment volume: CHF 100 million.

The Vita Joint Foundation already invested a total of around CHF 100 million in "Assisted Living - Living with Service" in Bazenheid (SG) in 2018 and in Ilanz (GR) in 2019 for the time after retirement.
Now, three more projects are being added in Wetzikon, St. Gallen and Winterthur, which are being built in cooperation with Domum-Wohnbau-Genossenschaft, which is responsible for project development and operation. The new projects will include nine multi-family houses with a total of 121 apartments and additional support services, according to the Vita Joint Foundation. The investment volume is again CHF 100 million.
The apartment buildings in Wetzikon are expected to be ready for occupancy from October 2021, those in St. Gallen from September 2022 and those in Winterthur from December 2023. Heat will be generated using heat pumps and geothermal probes; an infrastructure for e-mobility will be ensured. The multi-family houses and apartments will be certified according to the LEA (Living Every Age) standard. (bw)