SFP Investment Foundation: Solid financial year 2020

SFP Investment Foundation is satisfied with the performance of the 2020 financial year. The investment group SFP AST Swiss Real Estate achieved an investment return of over 5%. The investment groups SFP AST Global Core Property Unhedged and Hedged remained slightly below the previous year.

SFP Investment Foundation presents the annual results of its investment groups (Image: REDPIXEL - depositphotos)

In the 2020 financial year, the SFP AST Swiss Real Estate investment group, which invests directly in Swiss real estate, successfully implemented two capital raisings, increasing assets under management by a total of over CHF 101.4 million to a total of CHF 217.7 million. According to SPF Investment Foundation, further issues are planned to ensure future growth. The net asset value of the claims amounts to CHF 1,075.98. SFP AST Swiss Real Estate generated an investment return of 5.06% in the year under review and doubled its annual target rental income to CHF 8.4 million.

According to SFP Investment Foundation, the two investment groups SFP AST Global Core Property Unhedged and Hedged, which invests in a globally diversified portfolio of real estate funds, closed the fiscal year only slightly below the previous year. With the exception of the investments in the U.S., the investment groups would have outperformed the relevant regional benchmarks NCREIF Open End Diversified Core Equity Index, INREV European Open End Diversified Core Equity Index and ANREV Open End Diversified Core Equity Index.

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