Implenia divests maintenance business in Germany
Implenia intends to sell Implenia Maintenance, which is based in Germany, to Karrié Bau in order to focus further on its core portfolio.

According to Implenia, the transaction was signed on April 16, 2021 and is expected to be completed on May 31. At that time, all 199 employees as well as the sites and ongoing projects of the Maintenance division are to be transferred to Karrié Bau.
Implenia Instandsetzung GmbH is one of Germany's leading providers of structural restoration services for buildings, infrastructure structures or parts thereof. Karrié Bau GmbH & Co. KG intends to assume responsibility for the ongoing projects following completion of the acquisition. The parties are not disclosing financial details of the transaction.
According to Christian Späth, Head of the Civil Engineering Division, Implenia intends to build up more expertise in upstream project phases and focus on complex major projects. In future, the company intends to source more specialized services, such as maintenance, from external partners.
Headquartered in Mainz and managed by Peter Karrié, Karrié Bau currently employs 152 people in the fields of building construction, building maintenance and mastic asphalt. The acquisition adds five further German sites and almost 200 employees. (ah)