Major contract for Implenia in Sweden

Implenia is to build a metro station and associated tunnels in Stockholm. The contract is worth around CHF 110 million.

Cross-section of the future Sofia metro station with Stigberg Park above (Image: Stockholm Region / Sweco).

In connection with the extension of Stockholm's blue subway line, Implenia is constructing the new "Sofia" subway station, including elevator shafts, two single-track tunnels for the subway and a parallel service tunnel, on behalf of the Stockholm region. A total of 4.6 kilometers of tunnel are being built using drilling and blasting methods.

The new subway station near Stigbergsparken will become an important hub. It is located around 100 meters underground and will thus be one of the deepest subway stations in the world, according to Implenia. Passengers will be taken to the platforms and from there up in eight large high-speed elevators in around 30 seconds.

According to the company, Implenia's contract primarily comprises the implementation work, with the overall planning being carried out by the client. Construction work is scheduled to start in the third quarter of 2021 and is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2025.

According to Implenia, the contract is a continuation of the 1.5-kilometer "London Viaduct" access tunnel, which Implenia was commissioned to build by the Stockholm region in 2019. Work on this is currently underway. (ah)

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