Swiss Life Asset Managers repositions itself

Swiss Life Asset Managers is undergoing organisational changes: In future, the company will be divided into the Infrastructure Equity, Securities and Real Estate business areas.

Swiss Life Asset Managers adopts new organisational structure (Image: Mike Sweeney - Pixabay)

Swiss Life Asset Managers is about to enter another important phase on its growth path and therefore wants to align itself along asset classes, says Stefan Mächler, Group CIO Swiss Life, explaining the reorganisation. As of 1 July, the investment competencies will be divided into the Infrastructure Equity, Securities and Real Estate business areas.

The Real Estate division will remain unchanged and will continue to be managed by Stefan Mächler. The Infrastructure Equity area will in future bring together the infrastructure competencies; it will be headed by Christoph Gisler, who will also be a member of the Corporate Executive Board. The infrastructure asset class has grown strongly in recent years and plays an increasingly important role in Swiss Life Asset Managers' investment strategy, the company says. The securities business for third-party clients and the investment business for the company's own insurance companies will be merged into the new Securities division. It will be headed by Daniel Berner, who is also a member of the Corporate Executive Board.

As part of the organisational realignment, there will be personnel changes. Michael Klose, CEO of the third-party business (TPAM), and Marius Würgler, previously Head of Sales & Marketing, left Swiss Life Asset Managers at the end of June. Würgler will be succeeded by Mark Fehlmann from 1 October 2021. He worked for DWS Group (formerly Deutsche Asset Management) for 14 years and has headed the institutional clients business in Switzerland since 2019.

Swiss Life Asset Managers manages CHF 256 billion in assets for the Swiss Life Group, of which CHF 71.4 billion is invested in real estate. In addition, the company manages a total of CHF 28.3 billion in real estate through its subsidiaries Livit and Corpus Sireo. (ah)

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