Raiffeisen Futura Immo Fonds: Issue in prospect
Verit Investment Management, the fund management company of the Raiffeisen Futura Immo Fund, announces a capital increase for the real estate fund with a target volume of over CHF 40 million.

According to a statement by Verit Investment Management, a maximum of 422,775 units are to be issued at a subscription price of CHF 95.88 net per unit - the issue thus has a volume of around CHF 40.5 million. The subscription ratio is to be 7:1, i.e. seven existing units entitle the holder to subscribe to one new unit of the Raiffeisen Futura Immo Fund.
The capital increase will be carried out on a commission basis (best effort) and the subscription period will run from 30 August to 17 September 2021. The new shares will be offered to existing shareholders and - to the extent that existing investors do not exercise their subscription rights - also to new investors. The payment date has been set for 23 September.
The proceeds of the issue are to be invested primarily directly in sustainable real estate assets throughout Switzerland, Verit Investment Management further announces. (ah)