Crowdlending: Dagobertinvest enters the Swiss market

The real estate crowdlending platform Dagobertinvest has opened an office in Zurich. From there, the Austrian company intends to increasingly co-finance Swiss projects.

Dagobertinvest wants to offer real estate crowdfunding in Switzerland in the future (Image: depositphotos)

The head office of Dagobertinvest is in Vienna; with the new location in Zurich one wants to put "the foundation-stone for future activities in Switzerland", communicates the enterprise. The business model provides that private persons invest small sums (starting from 250 euro/270 CHF) into real estate projects, them thereby an interest rate of 7% to 10% p.a. is promised. Only residential real estate projects are financed.

Before the projects are offered to the investors, Dagobertinvest checks, among other things, the project calculation and the previous track record of the developer and also carries out a credit check. Only a small part of the capital requirement is covered thereby by the Crowdinvestoren, communicates the enterprise. A bank is always on board as the developer's financing partner for the projects.

According to Dagobertinvest, more than 200 real estate projects have been co-financed by the crowd on the platform so far, including three projects in Switzerland for the first time this year: An apartment complex by MGI AG near Churwalden (GR) has reached the funding limit of 500,000 euros, and investors are promised an interest rate of 7.5% p.a. for a term of 24 months. For the construction of holiday apartments of the Stalder Group in Eigenthal (LU), 900,000 euros have been invested, here the interest rate for 24 months amounts to 7.75% p.a. According to Dagobertinvest, another funding of the Stalder Group for a lakeside residence on Lake Lucerne is about to be concluded. Here, up to one million euros will be invested, the promised interest rate is 8.15% p.a. for 24 months.

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