Avobis: acquisition of Rimaplan and Centerio

The Avobis Group acquires the two real estate service providers Rimaplan and Centerio. As a result, 350 employees now work for Avobis at 15 locations throughout Switzerland.

Avobis acquires two real estate service providers (Image: stockasso - depositphotos)

With the takeover, Avobis is adding the areas of real estate development, planning and realisation as well as marketing and management of commercially used real estate and sites to its range of services.

Rimaplan AG is established as a real estate developer and overall service provider, focusing on the development potential of land and properties and realizing sustainable, profitable construction projects for living, working and leisure for third-party clients. Centerio manages commercial properties, sites and shopping centers for institutional and private clients. The service portfolio of Rimaplan and Centerio ideally complements that of the Avobis Group, says Sandro Sulcis, Co-CEO of the Avobis Group. "This means that clients receive all real estate services along the entire value chain from a single source."

The Avobis Group is taking over all locations and employees of the two companies. Rimaplan and Centerio will continue to operate as independent subsidiaries under the existing brands until further notice, according to Avobis. The takeover will be retroactive to 1 January 2021. The parties have agreed not to disclose the details of the transaction.

Martin Döbeli, former business owner and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rimaplan and Centerio, is stepping down from his operational management role to become a shareholder in Avobis Group AG. He will remain Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rimaplan and Centerio. The operational management of Rimaplan will be taken over by Patrik Bossart, Head of Acquisitions & Transactions, and Daniel Fässler, Head of Development & Realization. Both report to Sebastian Angst, Head of Advisory at Avobis Group. Centerio will continue to be managed by Thomas Neuhoff. He reports to Sandro Sulcis. (ah)

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