Allreal: Real estate group sets itself ESG targets
The Allreal Group presented details of its sustainability strategy at Investor Day 2021. The portfolio of investment properties is to be CO2-neutral by 2050 at the latest.

In order to achieve the targeted CO2 neutrality of the investment properties by 2050, Allreal wants to ensure the complete recording of consumption of the investment properties by the end of 2022 and develop individual property strategies. Among other things, an expansion of photovoltaic systems is planned, and CO2 emissions are to be partially offset from next year onwards.
Allreal also wants to provide financial incentives to steer users' behaviour. The company relies on "Green Lease" contracts and also wants to promote electric mobility. By the first half of 2024, at least 20% of garage parking spaces are to be equipped with an electric charging station (800 charging stations). As part of its activities as a general contractor, the company intends to focus consistently on reusable materials, it adds.
As far as the S (Social) in ESG is concerned, the aim is to ensure comprehensive occupational safety, health protection and equal opportunities, including flexible working hours (part-time work/partial retirement), says Allreal. In project development, greater emphasis is to be placed on the high-quality design of living spaces through the appointment of an architectural advisory board. In the area of management, a guideline for the non-discriminatory letting of rental apartments will be drawn up.
The various ESG measures will be driven forward by a dedicated sustainability team, which will report directly to the CEO. Sustainability reporting is also to be audited by the external auditors from the 2023 financial year. Furthermore, Allreal intends to make the remuneration of Group Management dependent on the achievement of ESG targets in the future. In addition, the proportion of women on the Board of Directors is to be increased by 2023. (ah)