SFP and Viga close capital increase

Swiss Finance & Property and its Danish partner Viga RE have jointly carried out a capital increase with a volume of EUR 40 million.

Viga RE invests in the Copenhagen residential real estate market (Image: Anja Hall)

Swiss Finance & Property (SFP) and the Danish investment company Viga RE ApS had initially set themselves the target of raising EUR 20 to 40 million - a volume of over EUR 40 million has now been achieved. Swiss Finance & Property was co-arranger and sole placement agent in the transaction.

Viga RE's portfolio has already appreciated since its launch in April 2021, not least due to a compression of market yields and full occupancy of the properties, SFP added. The portfolio has a total value of €108m and is split into 90% residential and 10% commercial (as at 30 June 2021), it said. In the coming years, Viga RE intends to acquire further residential properties in central locations in Copenhagen. The aim is to expand the portfolio to EUR 1 billion over the next five years. In October, the company already purchased a property in Teglholmen, on Copenhagen's southern harbour, for a total value of 22.7 million. There is also "an excellent pipeline of attractive properties", SFP said. (ah)

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