The Swiss Central City Fund is expanding its portfolio

The Swiss Central City Real Estate Fund has acquired four properties in Zurich, Basel and St. Gallen.

Among others, the Swiss Central City Real Estate Fund has invested in St. Gallen (Image: RuslanKal - depositphotos)

The acquisitions made by the Swiss Central City Real Estate Fund include two residential properties and two residential and commercial properties in good locations in Zurich, Basel and St. Gallen. According to the fund, the total investment amounts to CHF 43 million. The four properties have a total usable floor space of 2,400 sqm for residential and 660 sqm for commercial, are fully let and generate a total target rental income of 1.4 million, it adds. The residential portion is 86%.

The transfers of ownership for the two properties in Zurich took place in mid-December 2021, those for the properties in Basel and St. Gallen on 3 January 2022. (ah)

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