Second issue for the Swiss Prime Site Fund

The Swiss Prime Site Solutions Investment Fund Commercial will conduct a second issue in March, the fund management company announces. The volume is expected to be CHF 145 million.

The Swiss Prime Site Solutions Investment Fund Commercial is already planning its second emsision (Image: stevanovicigor - depositphotos)

Swiss Prime Site Solutions has only At the end of 2021, the first issue for the Swiss Prime Site Solutions Investment Fund Commercial with a volume of CHF 144 million was completed, The fund management company has now announced a further capital increase of almost the same amount for March of this year. The funds from the issue - planned at 145 million - are to be used to further expand the real estate portfolio.

The capital increase will be carried out in compliance with the subscription rights of existing unitholders; the subscription ratio will be 1:1, the fund management announces. Investors will be given the opportunity to submit precommitments before the start of the subscription period and thus receive a discount on the issue commission. In addition, a graduation of the issuing commission is to be granted from higher subscription volumes. The payment of the fund units will take place in April 2022.

The Swiss Prime Site Solutions Investment Fund Commercial invests primarily in commercial properties in good to very good locations (AB-BA approach) throughout Switzerland. (ah)

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