Novavest records significant profit increase

Novavest Real Estate's profits jumped in fiscal 2021, thanks mainly to revaluations.

Novavest Real Estate presents first figures for the fiscal year 2021 (Image: Alexmit - depositphotos)

According to Novavest Real Estate AG's preliminary unaudited results, the property portfolio increased by 15% to CHF 741.3 million (previous year: 645.4 million) in fiscal year 2021 due to investments in existing properties and new construction projects, acquisitions of four properties and positive revaluation effects. Rental income increased by 10% to 26.7 million (previous year: 24.3 million).

The market valuation of the real estate portfolio led to a revaluation gain of 21.8 million compared to 8.3 million in the previous year. According to the preliminary figures, earnings before interest and taxes (Ebit) increased by over 70% to 39.1 million (previous year: 22.9 million). Profit including revaluation gains reached 29.3 million (previous year: 17.8 million) and profit excluding revaluation gains came in at 11.7 million (previous year: 11.1 million).

Novavest plans to release its 2021 annual report and other fiscal year details on February 22, 2022. (ah)

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