Implenia refurbishes Gubrist tunnel

ARGE GUBRI has won the third lot for the refurbishment of the Gubrist Tunnel. The share of the lead company Implenia amounts to CHF 74 million.

Implenia is involved in the redevelopment of the Gubristtunell. (Photo: Implenia)

ARGE GUBRI has won the third lot for the refurbishment of the Gubrist Tunnel with a total contract volume of CHF 184 million. The consortium comprises Implenia (40%, lead), Walo Bertschinger (30%) and Anliker (30%).

Zurich's northern bypass, one of the busiest road sections in Switzerland, runs through the Gubrist Tunnel. The rehabilitation of the two existing tubes will begin after the construction of the new third tube has been completed. As part of the rehabilitation, the driving space of the existing tunnel tubes is to be enlarged and the roadway lowered by 30 cm.

Implenia's share of the third lot of the renovation contract from the Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) amounts to CHF 74 million. The project will start with preparatory work in the fall of 2022 and last around four years. (aw)

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