Streetbox Real Estate increases the dividend
The Streetbox Real Estate fund generated a double-digit investment return and increased fund volume in the last fiscal year.
The Streetbox Real Estate Fund generated an investment return of 10.67% in the past fiscal year (previous year: 11.53%). According to Procimmo, the dividend reached a high of CHF 15.10 per unit. The distribution yield increased from 2.86 to 3.05%.
The Fund's rental income increased to CHF 11.7 million at the end of March 2022. This corresponds to an increase of 14.3% compared to the same period of the previous year. The operating profit margin (EBIT margin) declined from 68.86% to 64.49%, and the total realized income decreased slightly from CHF 14.28 million to CHF 14.03 million. By contrast, the rent default rate fell significantly (from 12.64 to 8.63%).
Net fund assets increased from CHF 138.10 million to CHF 145.7 million during the year. (aw)