SenioResidenz: Profit increased by 18% in 1st half-year

The senior and nursing care real estate specialist has expanded its portfolio through investments and significantly increased rental income.

This residential home in Hergiswil is part of the company's portfolio (Image: SenioResidenz AG)

SenioResidenz AG expanded its portfolio from CHF 213.9 million to CHF 226.7 million in the 1st half of the year. This is due in particular to the purchase of a new construction project in Aigle (Canton Vaud) with 26 apartments and investments in the new construction project in Oberdiessbach (Canton Bern). Rental income rose by 11% to CHF 5.3 million, while operating earnings before interest and taxes (Ebit) increased by 18% to CHF 3.3 million, according to preliminary figures. Profit including revaluation result of CHF 0.1 million is CHF 2.4 million (H1 2021: CHF 2.0 million), an increase of 18% as well.

The Zurich-based company, which specializes in investments in senior properties and care facilities, will publish its half-year report on August 18. (aw)

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