CS logistics fund raises CHF 108 million

The real estate fund Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Logisticsplus received new money of the maximum amount of CHF 108 million during its capital increase.

CS REF Logisticsplus successfully completes its capital increase (Image: depositphotos)

Credit Suisse Asset Management announces that the capital increase of Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Logisticsplus has been subscribed to 100%. With a subscription ratio of 7:1, one million new units in the logistics real estate fund will be issued; the issue price per unit is CHF 108.00 net.

This means that eight million fund units will be outstanding in the future - with net fund assets of CHF 844.8 million. The fresh money will be used to expand and diversify the real estate portfolio, according to Credit Suisse Asset Management. (ah)

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