Helvetica launches real estate investment foundation

Helvetica Property Investors establishes the investment foundation Helvetica Life. An investment group for Swiss residential real estate is to be launched by the first quarter of 2023.

Helvetica launches an investment foundation (Image: stevanovicigor - depositphotos)

According to Helvetica Property Investors, the OAK BV, the Swiss Federal Supervisory Commission for Occupational Pension Plans, has already approved the establishment of the Helvetica Life Investment Foundation. The launch of the investment group "Residential Real Estate Switzerland" is planned "in line with market developments" by the first quarter of 2023.

"We are following the market development very closely," says Hans R. Holdener, co-founder and CEO of Helvetica. The company expects a generally more cautious transaction policy, which is likely to lead to a cooling in the transaction market. "However, we consider Swiss residential real estate to be crisis-resistant in the long term." In his view - given the turnaround in interest rates and the ongoing market corrections - the timing is very good for launching an investment foundation with a long-term focus.

The Board of Trustees of the new investment foundation is composed of the Chairman Andreas Spahni, the lawyer Theodor Härtsch (member and Vice Chairman), partner at Walder Wyss Attorneys at Law, and the former PwC partner Victor Meyer.

Michael Knoflach, Deputy CFO and Head Controlling & Accounting of Helvetica, and Salman Baday, Head Sales & Marketing and member of the Executive Board, are Managing Directors of Helvetica Life Investment Foundation. (ah)

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